Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poetic Asides - cascade poem/We Write Poems - Wizard of Oz


If you're going to walk down golden roads
you should definitely do it in style.
Thank god you found me.

That gingham smock did nothing
for you, honey. You need some pizzazz
if you're going to walk down golden roads.

But you've got the right idea with
the little lapdog. When accessorizing with canines,
you should definitely do it in style.

Still, a pair of dazzling heels is what
you really need to turn heads in the Emerald City.
Thank god you found me.


  1. clever take on the costume prompt, and a really nice use of cascade. (the form is beginning to grow on me)

  2. What fun to read your poem. It made me smile.This is a surprising take on the prompt and I really like it.

  3. Thanks.
    I originally thought it was going to go somewhere profound. Instead, it went to a super sassy place. Surprisingly.

  4. What a refreshing piece!



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