Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Exercising your rights

I used to think rights were like my skeleton
god-given, sturdy, and strong
the foundation of being a human

But now I think rights are more like a muscle
pliant, moveable and changing
needing to be flexed to remain strong

April PAD Day 25 - exercise

Dead end

It was no secret that
he beat her
we all saw the bruises
heard the excuses
knew she wasn't as clumsy
as she purported
to be

April PAD Day 30 - dead end

Morning breath

The cup on
my bathroom counter
holds two toothbrushes
and the memory of 
minty breath and 
mornings spent cuddling
under that pearly 
white down comforter; 
of lips on 
the lookout for 
a surprise attack
on cheeks or
forehead or any
patch of kissable
skin, which shivered
each time you 

smiled at me. 

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