We believe we are separate
from the Earth
from each other
can’t see all the emptiness
that connects us
April PAD day 27: believe or don’t believe
We believe we are separate
from the Earth
from each other
can’t see all the emptiness
that connects us
April PAD day 27: believe or don’t believe
I have so many questions
so much hurt to understand
but the only one that matters
is how do you open your heart?
April PAD day 24: question
How lucky am I
to be born
with such beauty
that you cannot
look away
keep your hands off
keep your cat calls
in your mouth
must thrust your desire
into the world
into me
to hold for you
without my consent
April PAD day 13 prompt: lucky or unlucky
There is no thinking with
your heart, it
only knows how to feel
to beat, to
keep driving love/life forward
April PAD day 25: thought
Love your neighbor
your good book says, but
you believe your
Middle Eastern messiah
was miraculously white, feel affinity
only toward those
who look like
you, not the ones he
would have loved
You pick and
choose which teachings are relevant
and none have
anything to do with love
April PAD day 20: love or anti-love
She doesn’t pass
wouldn’t want to
always seems to be
holding her breath
dark skin a beacon
beaming Blackness without apology
a light to
her sisters and
lure to lynch mobs
that could be
around any corner
constantly calculating the risks
of her brilliance
in this world
and who it might attract
April PAD Day 17 prompt: waiting
The voices of the dead
cannot speak, but
if they could they'd
rise up through the throats
of the jury
"guilty," convict the killer cop
April PAD day 12: use three of the following six words: convict, great, play, race, season, and voice
He was pepper sprayed
for questioning an authority
not his commanding officer
peppered in "what's going on?"
as things got heated
"get out of the car"
“just comply” he was
told, take orders like
a good soldier, who's
never told when they're
marching toward death
"get out of the car"
forced to the ground
choking and confused
still in his camos
too fatigued to continue
asking "what's going on"
The officers are out
of the car, guns drawn
too heated to see the
temporary license plate
in the window
the whole reason they
pulled him over
in the first place
April PAD day 10: get (blank)
Wouldn’t it be nice if
we saw ourselves as animals
instead of projecting humanity onto
creatures incapable of our cruelty
April PAD Day 9: persona
We can only
see ourselves in the reflections
off other people
April PAD day 8 prompt: metaphor
Inspired by Resmaa Menakem's work and teachings ... and a recent podcast he was on
Your body was
not your own
it served at
the pleasure of
the kings and elites
their feasts and
festivities fueled by
the blood and
sweat and tears
of laborers and peasants
whose skin was
darkened by dirt
sun-baked in fields
you weren't allowed
to ever eat from
servitude and subordination
a birthright passed
down through your
bloodied European bodies
and only deemed white
once you were
able to turn
that generational rage
outward, to reclaim
a sovereignty of self
stolen from you
by stealing the
land, languages, lives
of pigmented people
on a new land
you would rape
and pillage the
same way your
predecessors were on
your own ancestral homelands
April PAD Day 7 prompt: villain
He doesn’t like
that the world has changed
can’t fathom why
the superheroes of
his youth would be anything
other than the
color marked “flesh”
in his childhood crayon box
Can’t see that
his own progeny
might see themselves in these
powerful new protagonists
whose pigmentation was
previously shaded onto only the
most shady characters
never allowed to
step fully into the light
April PAD day 6 prompt: change or don’t change
Do all coins matter or
do you care
about some more than others?
April PAD Day 6 prompt: Change or don’t change
The first time
I left the country
I thought I was a savior
serving the happiest
people I’d ever met
with my Christian charity
assuming they needed
my help to fix
problems created by Christian
men, Manifest Destiny
centuries of peasantry still
struggling under elite rule
as if my
babysitting money could solve
circumstances I couldn’t understand
April PAD Day 5 prompt: the first (blank)
Those who built the maze
are the ones
calling it “the rat race”
Taking us out of cages
to chase poisoned
cheese and thinking we’re free
April PAD day 4 prompt: active
Our wires haven’t been crossed
the power lines
are in completely different counties
April PAD Day 3 prompt: communication
April PAD - Poetic Asides Day 2 prompt: what does the future hold
Hi, my name is
not nearly as important
what you call me
behind closed doors, closed
minds, or closed hearts
where you fetishize an
exoticness that once threatened
your grandparents so much
that they sent mine
to Arkansan incarceration camps
emerging years later with
broken hearts and steeled
wills, a thirst to
prove their Americanness/humanity,
become a model minority
modeling resilience after abuse,
white-adjacent acceptability, and
generational trauma embedded deep
in the DNA that
became this face you
now deem desirable
April PAD 2021
Poetic Asides Prompt Day 1: introduction poem